
I’ve got loads of ready-made workshops that are JUST GAGGING to be enjoyed by you, your students, your community, or any groups that want to get creative together. These are some of my specialties, that can be delivered on their own, or as part of wider programmes of activity. They are playful, malleable and adaptive to suit the requirements of different groups of participants.

Devising Toolkits

These sessions are designed to help you get something onto that big scary blank canvas. Simple, tangible exercises and approaches to making stuff from scratch, that participants can use again and again, and pass on to others. 

Play Time

Sessions focused on play and exploration, using improvisation to empower and encourage curiosity. These are experiential workshops that blend practice and performance. 

Autobiographical Performance

Exploring how we tell our own stories, handing over exercises that help artists and non-artists see their lived experiences through a performative lens.


A range of activities developing improvisation skills along spectrums of verbal and physical. Exploring teamwork, collaboration, and how we make the scene win.

These are just the workshops that I deliver most regularly. Get in touch for more info on my participation work, or if you want me to design an original workshop that is custom-made for your group!