Hi there!
You look nice :)

Come on in, let me take your coat. Can I get you a drink?
No it’s fine, you can keep your shoes on if you like!

My name is Duncan. I’m a director, theatre-maker and creative practitioner.

Basically, I like making stuff. All kinds of stuff. But especially:

gig-theatre, immersive experiences, creative community events, and even the odd play, every now and again.

And I don’t know how you got here, but I’m glad you did, because this is where I keep all the pictures and words about my stuff.

So yeah, make yourself at home, take a look around, I’ll just be here if you have any questions.

No, really, honestly, it’s fine keep the shoes on.
Oh and here’s that drink you wanted by the way🍸

(btw i still haven’t finished making this website yet and some of the buttons don’t go anywhere i know i know but you seem friendly and understanding and i promise i’ll have it done by this friday xoxo)